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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Subconscious - The Missing Key Factor In Internet Income

Setting up website, getting email opt-in list, creating product, and marketing your business is quite straight forward. If you do not want to do that yourself you can get the expert to do it for you. One things that is missing in most of us is the "subconscious Factor". subconscious is the missing key factor in our internet business.

Our subconscious is the hidden strength that is made available to each of us. Either we used it for our benefit or we do not used it at all. People that have succeed in their life and endeavors make used their subconscious mind. They used it to boosted the current knowledge, skills and experiences.

It should be the same for our Internet Business. We can leverage our subconscious mind and use it to increase our internet income. How do we do this ?

Treat our subconscious as our another hidden self. Ourselves are divided by two - 50% physical and another 50% hidden (our subconscious). Most of our daily activity and work rely on and make used of the physical portion only. We tend to neglect the existence of the hidden one.

Now it is time to let the our hidden self to participate in our Internet Business. This the way you do it:-
  1. Write what you want out of your Internet Business. By doing this you are telling to your subconscious what do you want. Write it exactly and precisely. Your subconscious do not have any limit and can do anything for you. Learn to used and control your subconscious.
  2. Repeat it! Repeat it! Repeat it! - Need to repeat in your mind what you want. You do this by reading what you have written in number 1.
  3. You will experience difficulties to maintain what you want. Your conscious mind is telling to yourself this is NOT right. You need to take control. Plant all the POSITIVE seeds in your mind and you get a POSITIVE fruit.
Ok, I just share with you what I know so that in can help you build confidence in yourself in doing your internet business.

Another things I that I need to share with you is my internet connection at having some sort of problem since Saturday. The problem is intermittent. Even today I cannot access internet until just recently about 11:00 am I can access back.

Update on the up coming workshop on the 29th July 2006. We have about 4 more seat left. Hope we can be a great help to you in your internet business journey.

More info here at

Ok good luck for everyone and all the best.


p/s: I am currently work on our major project that will soon be launched on the 31st August 2006.

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