I, Astora and team have just finished our 3rd workshop in TPM Academy yesterday 29th July 2006. Thank you very much to all the participant for giving a lot of cooperation and hope every one can learn something from the workshop.
Astora has shared with us an insider secret about content writing that we can benefit not only writing for the internet. Astora also shared the secret of getting your first million and challenge every participant to get it. What a luck. One of our participant will get his first million end of this month via internet. Congratulation.
We I see in this workshop is the spirit of togetherness and helping each other to succeed. The fortunate help the less fortunate and the success help the less success. I urge all the Usdota.com participant to register in our Usdota Forum. So that we can build our Usdota family and help each other.
Ok actually I want to talk about my self. When I arrived home about 7:45 pm on that Saturday, suddenly I got a flu and fever until now. That is what I say a gift from the internet.
Cheers and Regards,
p/s: It is quite hard to do work when you have a running nose...Selsema.
This is about a personal journey of myself toward achieving my Goal in life and after life. To me both life really matters..... Work At Home! Make Money! Be Happy! Residual Income! ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Cool Advertisement !!!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Jaring Network Access Problem! Again!
It is almost two days I do not have any access to internet due to Jaring Base station in Klang having a major problem on its several sectors. The Jaring network engineer told me that the problem is intermittent and they do not know why it happened and on certain sectors only. Somehow this only effected the Seksyen 7 Shah Alam area. What a luck!
Anyway I just have a brief phone call with my personal mentor and we will come up with a specific practical program for http://www.usdota.com members on how to have Adsense as your replacement monthly salary. This program will be very unique and very affordable and really practical.
My personal mentor has earned millions of ringgit just from Adsense only. His monthly average earning now is about RM80K to RM100K a month. This figure is going down compare to his previous monthly income of USD50K due to so many changes in Google Adsense. My hope is to share this secret with the Usdota family.
I will put the update when the program is ready and available. Ok stick with me and we walk to success together hand in hand.
Anyway I just have a brief phone call with my personal mentor and we will come up with a specific practical program for http://www.usdota.com members on how to have Adsense as your replacement monthly salary. This program will be very unique and very affordable and really practical.
My personal mentor has earned millions of ringgit just from Adsense only. His monthly average earning now is about RM80K to RM100K a month. This figure is going down compare to his previous monthly income of USD50K due to so many changes in Google Adsense. My hope is to share this secret with the Usdota family.
I will put the update when the program is ready and available. Ok stick with me and we walk to success together hand in hand.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tips For Professional And Search Engine Optimized Website
Today I am a bit lazy (actually I am very lazy everyday) so I would like to share with you an article by Zaineb Bearingwala -"Tips For Professional And Search Engine Optimized Website".
Online presence has become an integral part of more and more businesses today in order to either partially or fully sell their products and services. Just making a presence online is not sufficient, it should be able to catch the eyes of its prospects and to do so it is crucial that the website should be search engine and user friendly. It should be properly coded and designed to give the site an optimized and professional look, so search engines can locate and categorize it in search engine listings. The following are the steps for building complete professional & search engine optimized website:
1. Graphic & Layout Designing
2. Optimize For Search Engine (S.E.O)
3. Domain Name
4. Website Hosting
5. Submitting To Directories & Search Engines
6. Search Engine Marketing
7. Web site Promotion
A detailed understanding of the above steps can be seen below.
1. Graphic & Layout Designing: First impressions are the best impressions and hence the first impression of the site can be got from its graphic and layout designing, further down they are judged by content. The designing should be simple and lucid. All the pages need to be consistent in background, color usage, text format and screen layout. Background and Text Colors-The color scheme expresses the characters of your website and makes it unique and attractive. Choose carefully a set of colors for background & text. While choosing, remember to use dark against light.
In other words, use light text against a dark background or dark text against a light background. Don't make the mistake of using a background pattern that has both dark and light colors, it is difficult to choose a text color that is readable against such a background. Background image or texture chosen should contrast well with the text color, so that it is easy to read on screen.Fonts-One of the most important parts of a web page is text. It can make your page look very professional or very unprofessional. Always be consistent In other words, avoid using different fonts throughout your pages. The standard fonts used on the Internet are Arial and Verdana as are easiest for computer screen and for headlines use is Georgia, as it displays slightly in larger fonts.
Formatting Page-Lay out the page with tables, and set the width in percentage terms (100% to window size) instead of a fixed number of pixels. That way the content of the page will be flexible with changes in browser window size, without the need to scroll horizontally.Links should be well organized, easy to detect by using appropriate colors. Underline your links & use a different color for visited links, put a link to your homepage on all your internal pages. Provide text navigation links at the bottom of long pages, so users don't need to scroll back up.).
Page Contents-The content of professional website should be in bulleted or numbered list with direct to the point in short paragraphs, as long blocks of text passages can be boring for reader. It should give clear intention of the web pages.Load the top of the individual pages with most important and essential content with a brief header. Create a simple logo with captivating tag line on the top of the page as a identity of the website. Use common names for menu options: Home, About Us, Contact Us, Help, and Products.
Make a copyright statement at the bottom of the each web pageFile Size-Web page size is defined by the total size of text, images and supporting files (including JavaScript, flash etc.) within the page download from the server. So, try to keep the size of a web page small by keeping less use of bulky contents such as video, audio, flash animations etc, which slow down the display of the page. If the page has too many items to load and slows to display, break it into smaller pages and link them to a new web page, with link back from the second page.
2. Optimize For Search Engine (S.E.O): Professional websites can be successful only if they receives most targeted traffic, the source for traffic are the search engines, hence the websites should be made search engine friendly or rather say optimized for search engine. Coding and writing content of the site, as to get sequenced in the list of search engines is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).Below are the basic points for coding for search engines.Two or three main keywords are to be decided for each page (the words that most commonly search engine users will type to find the page) These words are to be repeated often say in the page title, description meta tag, links and page body.
Title of the Page-
The title of the page is one of the most important elements for site optimization. It should be included in the HTML tag under head section (). The tag must contain keyword rich phrases, place name and company name respectively. It should be as a newspaper headline and unique for individual pages, which reinforce the viewer to go through. The title should be limited to 62-64 characters. Meta Description Tag-
The Meta description tag usually consists of 160 to 180 characters including spaces. This too comes under head section of html tag ( ). It should describe what the page is about in descriptive manner with the main key phrases in it. It has to be written in an interesting site so as to make it more appealing to the readers there by catching their interest in the site, as this will appear as a description in the listing.
Meta Keywords Tag-
The tag should be placed after Title and Meta Description Tag ( ). The tag includes the keywords and key phrases from title, description and some other phrases (believed to be typed by search engine users in order to track the page) but it should be tried not to exceed 1000 characters. It must contain company and place name. The phrase must not be repeated thrice. The keywords can be modified in different phrases and placed in the tag.
Heading Tag-
Each page should have at least one heading tag at the top of the page with primary keywords/key phrases ( ) and subsections of the page with h2 tags, and so forth. all the heading tags have to be relevant to the title and content of the page. The tag should be short and descriptive. Alt Tag-
The tag is used for images along with img src tag. When the cursor is placed over an image a text called as alt text () is highlighted. The text has be corresponding to the image and must contain key phrases. The tag should limit to 70 characters.
Content Of Pages-
The content weighs heavily for all major search engines. The content must grab search engine attention by including all keywords and key phrases in a balanced ratio (keywords: Total text). Density for keywords should lay under 3% to 5% to the text of the page, excluding stop words (words which search engine automatically ignores).
The main keyword should be placed in the first 25 words of the visible content because they're given more importance than other areas. The last few lines also hold considerable weight, though it's less than the former.
Proper navigation carries lot of importance for optimizing search engine. The navigation tab must contain Keyword rich anchor text on the top of the page. It should have descriptive title indicating summary of the page. HTML hyperlinks that lead to major pages inside the website are to be added to the home page.
A successful navigation design should include a sitemap for Search engines, so that they can scrawl all the links and this "Site Map" is to be placed on the home page of the site.
3. Domain Name:Short Domain name having keywords and phrases of the website along with the company name should be chosen as, search engines do give importance to key word rich domain names. Though it can go to 67 characters max. Hyphenated domain names are easy for search engine as can be distinguished for keywords occurring in domain name. Consider domains starting with A, B or C as some directories do alphabetical placement of websites. Avoid promotion digits like "1" or 1st, since the Open Directory considers only the meaningful part of a domain. Common TLDs (A top-level domain) the last part of an Internet domain name; the final dot of any domain name available are ".org",".net",".com" else country specific use.".org" are use for non-profit organizations. Country specific TLD should be use by websites which carter product or service limited to particular country. It is advisable to use ". com", though one can consider registering a ".net" domain, but since most people are familiar with ".com", it is always better to stick to convention.
4. Website Hosting:Web Hosting empowers sharing information, selling products and services, and interacting with people through a web site, so, a reliable Web Hosting Service that gives fast loading, 24/7 tech support, client owned domain name, minimum 20MB - 50MB server space, back-up system, Unlimited free access via FTP/Telnet, email accounts, Easy access to log files should be chosen.
Web hosting platform should be selected according to required operating system (unix or windows) depending on the website functionality. Unix/Linux based hosts provide PHP, Perl/CGI, FrontPage, and very limited ASP functionality. If running an Application that requires ASP, .NET, MS SQL, SBS or Access, the need will be for a Windows based web host; usually a little more expensive.Types of web hosting server you would like to select -1. Shared Web Hosting 2. Dedicated Web Hosting 3. Managed Hosting4. The Virtual Private Server (VPS) 5. Co-located Hosting 6. Reseller Hosting 7. Free Web Hosting 5. Submitting To Directories & Search Engines:The next step is to submit website to directories. Directories are search engines powered by human beings. Human editors compile the list of website in respective categories. Select the required category for the website and submit it to "add site" page with the required data information.
Getting listed with the important directories is very important, because many people see their listings. In addition, if you are listed with them, then crawler-based search engines are more likely to find your site and add it to their listings for free. Similar to directories search engine are also collection of website, but they are powered by ROBOTS. These Robots crawl automatically web pages to compile their listings. You have to fill out the form to submit the website by giving the url of the site. Submit only home page, as search engine will follow the links from the index page.
Submit website to major search engine manually, don't rely on software; it may result in over submission. Actually, handful of major search engine and directories distributes their results or indexes to many huge portals and search engines, in other words there are many affiliated search engines. Thus, before submitting you should be aware of which search engine is powered by whom. If you submit to every front-end search engine then you will be submitting the WebPages to same search engine, which can result you in penalty by removing from index or de-ranking the site
6. Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M) :Search Engine Marketing involves marketing of your Website through Goggle ad words, MSN Ad Center, banner ads and other keyword purchasing programs as well as purchasing links, ads, and sponsored listings.
Goggle ad words, msn Ad Center refer to Pay Per Click (PPC). PPC advertisements are usually text written ads placed near search results or indexes. When a user clicks on the advertisement, the advertiser is charged with an amount. The Advertiser also has to pay for the placement
7. Web site Promotion:This category includes article Marketing, Press Releases, link Popularity, buying traffic, blogging, forum Posting and more.
If you want to be one big step ahead of your competition you have to build as many one-way links as you can. The best and easy way to do this is writing and submitting optimized topical articles to articles banks over the Internet. Along with your article, you will include a short bio about yourself where you can place your website URL. This will also generate traffic to your site.
Posting comments related to your topic, involved in the conversations, be helpful by giving quality solution, that means joining the forums or blogs
The forums are a place where people give quality comments and do post questions for their queries.
Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
Above steps ensure a search engine optimized and professional website, which can probably gain good traffic and good page rank with top position in result pages.
About the Author
The article is written by Zaineb Bearingwwala working as Search Engine Optimizer with ConEdify Technologies http://www.conedify.com
p/s: My latest updated website using HyperVRE software - http://www.rahsiaonline.com .
You can create the same website yourself and include your adsense code there. Get HyperVRE software free here.
Online presence has become an integral part of more and more businesses today in order to either partially or fully sell their products and services. Just making a presence online is not sufficient, it should be able to catch the eyes of its prospects and to do so it is crucial that the website should be search engine and user friendly. It should be properly coded and designed to give the site an optimized and professional look, so search engines can locate and categorize it in search engine listings. The following are the steps for building complete professional & search engine optimized website:
1. Graphic & Layout Designing
2. Optimize For Search Engine (S.E.O)
3. Domain Name
4. Website Hosting
5. Submitting To Directories & Search Engines
6. Search Engine Marketing
7. Web site Promotion
A detailed understanding of the above steps can be seen below.
1. Graphic & Layout Designing: First impressions are the best impressions and hence the first impression of the site can be got from its graphic and layout designing, further down they are judged by content. The designing should be simple and lucid. All the pages need to be consistent in background, color usage, text format and screen layout. Background and Text Colors-The color scheme expresses the characters of your website and makes it unique and attractive. Choose carefully a set of colors for background & text. While choosing, remember to use dark against light.
In other words, use light text against a dark background or dark text against a light background. Don't make the mistake of using a background pattern that has both dark and light colors, it is difficult to choose a text color that is readable against such a background. Background image or texture chosen should contrast well with the text color, so that it is easy to read on screen.Fonts-One of the most important parts of a web page is text. It can make your page look very professional or very unprofessional. Always be consistent In other words, avoid using different fonts throughout your pages. The standard fonts used on the Internet are Arial and Verdana as are easiest for computer screen and for headlines use is Georgia, as it displays slightly in larger fonts.
Formatting Page-Lay out the page with tables, and set the width in percentage terms (100% to window size) instead of a fixed number of pixels. That way the content of the page will be flexible with changes in browser window size, without the need to scroll horizontally.Links should be well organized, easy to detect by using appropriate colors. Underline your links & use a different color for visited links, put a link to your homepage on all your internal pages. Provide text navigation links at the bottom of long pages, so users don't need to scroll back up.).
Page Contents-The content of professional website should be in bulleted or numbered list with direct to the point in short paragraphs, as long blocks of text passages can be boring for reader. It should give clear intention of the web pages.Load the top of the individual pages with most important and essential content with a brief header. Create a simple logo with captivating tag line on the top of the page as a identity of the website. Use common names for menu options: Home, About Us, Contact Us, Help, and Products.
Make a copyright statement at the bottom of the each web pageFile Size-Web page size is defined by the total size of text, images and supporting files (including JavaScript, flash etc.) within the page download from the server. So, try to keep the size of a web page small by keeping less use of bulky contents such as video, audio, flash animations etc, which slow down the display of the page. If the page has too many items to load and slows to display, break it into smaller pages and link them to a new web page, with link back from the second page.
2. Optimize For Search Engine (S.E.O): Professional websites can be successful only if they receives most targeted traffic, the source for traffic are the search engines, hence the websites should be made search engine friendly or rather say optimized for search engine. Coding and writing content of the site, as to get sequenced in the list of search engines is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).Below are the basic points for coding for search engines.Two or three main keywords are to be decided for each page (the words that most commonly search engine users will type to find the page) These words are to be repeated often say in the page title, description meta tag, links and page body.
Title of the Page-
The title of the page is one of the most important elements for site optimization. It should be included in the HTML tag under head section (). The tag must contain keyword rich phrases, place name and company name respectively. It should be as a newspaper headline and unique for individual pages, which reinforce the viewer to go through. The title should be limited to 62-64 characters. Meta Description Tag-
The Meta description tag usually consists of 160 to 180 characters including spaces. This too comes under head section of html tag ( ). It should describe what the page is about in descriptive manner with the main key phrases in it. It has to be written in an interesting site so as to make it more appealing to the readers there by catching their interest in the site, as this will appear as a description in the listing.
Meta Keywords Tag-
The tag should be placed after Title and Meta Description Tag ( ). The tag includes the keywords and key phrases from title, description and some other phrases (believed to be typed by search engine users in order to track the page) but it should be tried not to exceed 1000 characters. It must contain company and place name. The phrase must not be repeated thrice. The keywords can be modified in different phrases and placed in the tag.
Heading Tag-
Each page should have at least one heading tag at the top of the page with primary keywords/key phrases ( ) and subsections of the page with h2 tags, and so forth. all the heading tags have to be relevant to the title and content of the page. The tag should be short and descriptive. Alt Tag-
The tag is used for images along with img src tag. When the cursor is placed over an image a text called as alt text () is highlighted. The text has be corresponding to the image and must contain key phrases. The tag should limit to 70 characters.
Content Of Pages-
The content weighs heavily for all major search engines. The content must grab search engine attention by including all keywords and key phrases in a balanced ratio (keywords: Total text). Density for keywords should lay under 3% to 5% to the text of the page, excluding stop words (words which search engine automatically ignores).
The main keyword should be placed in the first 25 words of the visible content because they're given more importance than other areas. The last few lines also hold considerable weight, though it's less than the former.
Proper navigation carries lot of importance for optimizing search engine. The navigation tab must contain Keyword rich anchor text on the top of the page. It should have descriptive title indicating summary of the page. HTML hyperlinks that lead to major pages inside the website are to be added to the home page.
A successful navigation design should include a sitemap for Search engines, so that they can scrawl all the links and this "Site Map" is to be placed on the home page of the site.
3. Domain Name:Short Domain name having keywords and phrases of the website along with the company name should be chosen as, search engines do give importance to key word rich domain names. Though it can go to 67 characters max. Hyphenated domain names are easy for search engine as can be distinguished for keywords occurring in domain name. Consider domains starting with A, B or C as some directories do alphabetical placement of websites. Avoid promotion digits like "1" or 1st, since the Open Directory considers only the meaningful part of a domain. Common TLDs (A top-level domain) the last part of an Internet domain name; the final dot of any domain name available are ".org",".net",".com" else country specific use.".org" are use for non-profit organizations. Country specific TLD should be use by websites which carter product or service limited to particular country. It is advisable to use ". com", though one can consider registering a ".net" domain, but since most people are familiar with ".com", it is always better to stick to convention.
4. Website Hosting:Web Hosting empowers sharing information, selling products and services, and interacting with people through a web site, so, a reliable Web Hosting Service that gives fast loading, 24/7 tech support, client owned domain name, minimum 20MB - 50MB server space, back-up system, Unlimited free access via FTP/Telnet, email accounts, Easy access to log files should be chosen.
Web hosting platform should be selected according to required operating system (unix or windows) depending on the website functionality. Unix/Linux based hosts provide PHP, Perl/CGI, FrontPage, and very limited ASP functionality. If running an Application that requires ASP, .NET, MS SQL, SBS or Access, the need will be for a Windows based web host; usually a little more expensive.Types of web hosting server you would like to select -1. Shared Web Hosting 2. Dedicated Web Hosting 3. Managed Hosting4. The Virtual Private Server (VPS) 5. Co-located Hosting 6. Reseller Hosting 7. Free Web Hosting 5. Submitting To Directories & Search Engines:The next step is to submit website to directories. Directories are search engines powered by human beings. Human editors compile the list of website in respective categories. Select the required category for the website and submit it to "add site" page with the required data information.
Getting listed with the important directories is very important, because many people see their listings. In addition, if you are listed with them, then crawler-based search engines are more likely to find your site and add it to their listings for free. Similar to directories search engine are also collection of website, but they are powered by ROBOTS. These Robots crawl automatically web pages to compile their listings. You have to fill out the form to submit the website by giving the url of the site. Submit only home page, as search engine will follow the links from the index page.
Submit website to major search engine manually, don't rely on software; it may result in over submission. Actually, handful of major search engine and directories distributes their results or indexes to many huge portals and search engines, in other words there are many affiliated search engines. Thus, before submitting you should be aware of which search engine is powered by whom. If you submit to every front-end search engine then you will be submitting the WebPages to same search engine, which can result you in penalty by removing from index or de-ranking the site
6. Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M) :Search Engine Marketing involves marketing of your Website through Goggle ad words, MSN Ad Center, banner ads and other keyword purchasing programs as well as purchasing links, ads, and sponsored listings.
Goggle ad words, msn Ad Center refer to Pay Per Click (PPC). PPC advertisements are usually text written ads placed near search results or indexes. When a user clicks on the advertisement, the advertiser is charged with an amount. The Advertiser also has to pay for the placement
7. Web site Promotion:This category includes article Marketing, Press Releases, link Popularity, buying traffic, blogging, forum Posting and more.
If you want to be one big step ahead of your competition you have to build as many one-way links as you can. The best and easy way to do this is writing and submitting optimized topical articles to articles banks over the Internet. Along with your article, you will include a short bio about yourself where you can place your website URL. This will also generate traffic to your site.
Posting comments related to your topic, involved in the conversations, be helpful by giving quality solution, that means joining the forums or blogs
The forums are a place where people give quality comments and do post questions for their queries.
Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
Above steps ensure a search engine optimized and professional website, which can probably gain good traffic and good page rank with top position in result pages.
About the Author
The article is written by Zaineb Bearingwwala working as Search Engine Optimizer with ConEdify Technologies http://www.conedify.com
p/s: My latest updated website using HyperVRE software - http://www.rahsiaonline.com .
You can create the same website yourself and include your adsense code there. Get HyperVRE software free here.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Update For The HyperVRE Software
There is a major version update for the HyperVRE - web site content generator - software. If you have download it please run it again and a pop will asked you to download and install the latest version. Thanks to Matt Callen for the quick FIXED. Matt Callen is Brad Callen brother's. Brad Callen is known as SEO Guru's and his must have product is Keyword Elite.
HyperVRE is a very powerful website generator software with a lot of customization so that you will not have a duplicate website. Below is an example of website that I create using the HyperVRE software.
1) Adsense Resources
2) Bowling Tip
The best part it integrate your website with RSS, articles, affiliate and all in one. You can get it here for FREE.
HyperVRE is a very powerful website generator software with a lot of customization so that you will not have a duplicate website. Below is an example of website that I create using the HyperVRE software.
1) Adsense Resources
2) Bowling Tip
The best part it integrate your website with RSS, articles, affiliate and all in one. You can get it here for FREE.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Dynamically Convert Your Content To Cash

It is no secret that there is a lot of money to be made with AdSense and more importantly, contextual advertising. I do not want to waste too much time with this message, explaining all of the awesome details about this software, but you should know that you can build hundreds of sites containing contextual ads with YOUR unique ClickBank, Amazon, PayDotCom or literally ANY other affiliate links of your choice! Oh yeah, and you can customize your AdSense ads on each page too!

Trust me, this software is great! And the best part is completely 100% FREE! (well, for now at least)
Click Here To Download For FREE!!!
I cannot say it anymore this is a really a MUST if you want to increase your Adsense income. It is FREE and you CAN create 100's and more website with your specific keyword and your content is dynamic and unique. With the FREE cool template you download you will have a superb automatic passive income.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Update On Basic Internet Workshop BRH - Ke 3
This is to update that the third BRH Workshop is now closed. The next BRH workshop will be on 26th August 2006. Please reserved your seat early. Registration will begin on Friday 21st August 2006. Thank you very much.
Ok, that is about workshop. Today I spend most of my time reading the CLASSIC internet marketing materials. Wow! It really GOOD stuff. I really learn a lot. I have a lot to learn and do.
Having the knowledge without applying is worst that NOT having the knowledge.
Another good news that I received ... The NEW Keyword Elite ....It is update today and I would spend most of my time to explore the NEW features tonite ....
p/s: Need the Keyword Elite for your internet business get it here.

Having the knowledge without applying is worst that NOT having the knowledge.
Another good news that I received ... The NEW Keyword Elite ....It is update today and I would spend most of my time to explore the NEW features tonite ....
p/s: Need the Keyword Elite for your internet business get it here.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Subconscious - The Missing Key Factor In Internet Income
Setting up website, getting email opt-in list, creating product, and marketing your business is quite straight forward. If you do not want to do that yourself you can get the expert to do it for you. One things that is missing in most of us is the "subconscious Factor". subconscious is the missing key factor in our internet business.
Our subconscious is the hidden strength that is made available to each of us. Either we used it for our benefit or we do not used it at all. People that have succeed in their life and endeavors make used their subconscious mind. They used it to boosted the current knowledge, skills and experiences.
It should be the same for our Internet Business. We can leverage our subconscious mind and use it to increase our internet income. How do we do this ?
Treat our subconscious as our another hidden self. Ourselves are divided by two - 50% physical and another 50% hidden (our subconscious). Most of our daily activity and work rely on and make used of the physical portion only. We tend to neglect the existence of the hidden one.
Now it is time to let the our hidden self to participate in our Internet Business. This the way you do it:-
Another things I that I need to share with you is my internet connection at having some sort of problem since Saturday. The problem is intermittent. Even today I cannot access internet until just recently about 11:00 am I can access back.
Update on the up coming workshop on the 29th July 2006. We have about 4 more seat left. Hope we can be a great help to you in your internet business journey.
More info here at http://www.usdota.com
Ok good luck for everyone and all the best.
p/s: I am currently work on our major project that will soon be launched on the 31st August 2006.
Our subconscious is the hidden strength that is made available to each of us. Either we used it for our benefit or we do not used it at all. People that have succeed in their life and endeavors make used their subconscious mind. They used it to boosted the current knowledge, skills and experiences.
It should be the same for our Internet Business. We can leverage our subconscious mind and use it to increase our internet income. How do we do this ?
Treat our subconscious as our another hidden self. Ourselves are divided by two - 50% physical and another 50% hidden (our subconscious). Most of our daily activity and work rely on and make used of the physical portion only. We tend to neglect the existence of the hidden one.
Now it is time to let the our hidden self to participate in our Internet Business. This the way you do it:-
- Write what you want out of your Internet Business. By doing this you are telling to your subconscious what do you want. Write it exactly and precisely. Your subconscious do not have any limit and can do anything for you. Learn to used and control your subconscious.
- Repeat it! Repeat it! Repeat it! - Need to repeat in your mind what you want. You do this by reading what you have written in number 1.
- You will experience difficulties to maintain what you want. Your conscious mind is telling to yourself this is NOT right. You need to take control. Plant all the POSITIVE seeds in your mind and you get a POSITIVE fruit.
Another things I that I need to share with you is my internet connection at having some sort of problem since Saturday. The problem is intermittent. Even today I cannot access internet until just recently about 11:00 am I can access back.
Update on the up coming workshop on the 29th July 2006. We have about 4 more seat left. Hope we can be a great help to you in your internet business journey.
More info here at http://www.usdota.com
Ok good luck for everyone and all the best.
p/s: I am currently work on our major project that will soon be launched on the 31st August 2006.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Tools For Your Online Business Success
Tools for your online business success. If you are serious and want to do your online business FULL time, you must get this 2 tools. It is worth than your investment.
A Must Tools For Your Online Business:

1) XsitePro - Price USD197 - One time payment and you get this powerful and SEO optimized HTML/Website builder and editor. This tools comes with few templates and easy to manage interface where you can put your own keywords, analyze your keyword, and many more SEO features. One of my website that use this tools is - http://www.frompoortorich.com. Invest this tools here.
2) Keyword Elite - Price USD167 - This a very powerful keyword research by Brad Callen. In a couple of days Brad will release a new update version of Keyword Elite that have a keyword article generator build in. What this mean, when you get your best keyword, than you easily can create webpages and articles containing your particular keywords. Need have it to believe it. It is so powerful especially if you are an Adsense freak. Invest this tools here.
Ok that is it about online business tools. Now come back to my daily life. I was not well yesterday due to viral infection. Yesterday I spend most of my time resting.Thank god, I am feeling a little bit better today.
I have a lot of things to catch up. I have a next upcoming workshop to prepare. I have several website to be updated. One of them is my BebasRadical website. This one of my earliest website that has undergone ups and down in internet experience from Alexa ranking 70,000 to now more than 1 millions, from PR rank 4 to 3, from listed in Google to manually banned then come back up, from daily visitor of 800 visitor to less than 200 now.
I believe all the past experience is very helpful and useful for me the expand and build myself.
Ok, Cheers,
A Must Tools For Your Online Business:

1) XsitePro - Price USD197 - One time payment and you get this powerful and SEO optimized HTML/Website builder and editor. This tools comes with few templates and easy to manage interface where you can put your own keywords, analyze your keyword, and many more SEO features. One of my website that use this tools is - http://www.frompoortorich.com. Invest this tools here.
2) Keyword Elite - Price USD167 - This a very powerful keyword research by Brad Callen. In a couple of days Brad will release a new update version of Keyword Elite that have a keyword article generator build in. What this mean, when you get your best keyword, than you easily can create webpages and articles containing your particular keywords. Need have it to believe it. It is so powerful especially if you are an Adsense freak. Invest this tools here.

Ok that is it about online business tools. Now come back to my daily life. I was not well yesterday due to viral infection. Yesterday I spend most of my time resting.Thank god, I am feeling a little bit better today.
I have a lot of things to catch up. I have a next upcoming workshop to prepare. I have several website to be updated. One of them is my BebasRadical website. This one of my earliest website that has undergone ups and down in internet experience from Alexa ranking 70,000 to now more than 1 millions, from PR rank 4 to 3, from listed in Google to manually banned then come back up, from daily visitor of 800 visitor to less than 200 now.
I believe all the past experience is very helpful and useful for me the expand and build myself.
Ok, Cheers,
Friday, July 14, 2006
Website Is NOT Online Business
I thought, if I owned a website, I owned an online business. This is not necessarily TRUE. Having a website do not mean you have an online business. Owning an online business is much more than just owning a website. Website is just to support your business. As as for your online business you need to build it based on your strength so that you have a niche advantages.

If you build your online business based on interests it will just be your hobbies. If you build your online business based on your strength you are building empire. Due to that you need to find your strength and build your online business around your strength. If you do that you will have a very competitive advantage over others.
For example if you are good at frying banana and your fried banana taste superb, build your online business around that strength. Create a website on how to fried banana your way or sell your fried banana online. You also can conduct seminar on how to fried banana and market it online. This is what you call Online Business that can grow big.
Ok back to my daily life, I was very happy today because I received a call from one of USDOTA workshop participant mentioning that he get his first income from his BLOG. He was very happy and cannot believe it he got it. In order to share this great moment here is his BLOG -
http://simpleeffectivetips.blogspot.com .
About the next coming workshop on 29th July 2006, the response is very great we have about 18 paid participant already. Seats a limited. For this coming workshop we will do some changes on the syllabus based on our experience of the previous workshop.
One thing that I want to add to this workshop, is to call in my Mentor to give a speech about 30 Minute Of His Experience on how he get more than RM1 Million in less than 3 years just doing Adsense from his home. Unfortunately he declined me because he do not want to be the center of attraction. He just want to be a silent millionaire.
Anyway I have come to an agreement with my Mentor to have a private membership website for USDOTA family only, so that he can help and give some advice on how to maximize your adsense income.
I will announce this to the USDOTA family when it is available.
Best Wishes

If you build your online business based on interests it will just be your hobbies. If you build your online business based on your strength you are building empire. Due to that you need to find your strength and build your online business around your strength. If you do that you will have a very competitive advantage over others.
For example if you are good at frying banana and your fried banana taste superb, build your online business around that strength. Create a website on how to fried banana your way or sell your fried banana online. You also can conduct seminar on how to fried banana and market it online. This is what you call Online Business that can grow big.
Ok back to my daily life, I was very happy today because I received a call from one of USDOTA workshop participant mentioning that he get his first income from his BLOG. He was very happy and cannot believe it he got it. In order to share this great moment here is his BLOG -
http://simpleeffectivetips.blogspot.com .
About the next coming workshop on 29th July 2006, the response is very great we have about 18 paid participant already. Seats a limited. For this coming workshop we will do some changes on the syllabus based on our experience of the previous workshop.
One thing that I want to add to this workshop, is to call in my Mentor to give a speech about 30 Minute Of His Experience on how he get more than RM1 Million in less than 3 years just doing Adsense from his home. Unfortunately he declined me because he do not want to be the center of attraction. He just want to be a silent millionaire.
Anyway I have come to an agreement with my Mentor to have a private membership website for USDOTA family only, so that he can help and give some advice on how to maximize your adsense income.
I will announce this to the USDOTA family when it is available.
Best Wishes
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Opportunist Vs Entrepreneur - Internet Business

Which one are you? An opportunist or Entrepreneur. I thought I was an entrepreneur until I read this manifesto by Rich Schefren.
I am an opportunist actually. I always on the look out to find best product and to get best deal and get immediate profit.
This will change NOW. At first, I thought "Internet Business" is easy sell product, sell services, create website, promote affiliate and get profit.

I was wrong again. I am not doing this for a long term. I do not treat "Internet Business" as a business which I thougt I did. Doing "Internet Business" is more than you think it is.
One more thing I missed is "Process". I do not create my process map for my "Internet Business".
I was a process guy before in a Multi National Company and as a technical consultant in IT

If you like what you read and need more info you can download the full report here.
p/s: This change my view about online business.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Bengkel Rezeki Halal Ke-3 29th July 2006

This will be the third workshop of Bengkel Rezeki Halal (BRH). The BRH workshop will on the 29th July 2006 at TPM Academy Malaysia. The time is from 9:00am till 6:00pm.
Now we accept credit payment for registration. Click her for detail.
Basically this workshop is for beginners. We will teach the basic of internet and ecommerce. What is IP, what is FTP, what is POP, what is DNS, what is hosting and etc. Once the participant get the basic then we moved on to teach the participant to create web page. Each participant will learn to create their own website and published it to the internet. This will be a real hands on and our facilitator will provide help if needed.
Once the participant gets some idea about making his or her own website then we introduce a way how you can earn income from your website. Next we moved on to creating BLOG.
Each participant will learn to create their own BLOG. We will provide tips and tricks to create BLOG. Next will share on information on how you can optimize your web and BLOG to earn money for living.
Then we will go through all the ebooks and tools we provide to the participant in a CD form. This is a very valuable tools by itself.
p/s: If you notice I have taken out my adsense ads for testing. Mybe I will take them off for good. I will let you know why later.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Profiting From The Net Make Me Dizzy?

I am not earning like $500 a day but only $2-3 a day. But that $2 a day really mean something to me. I am very happy and very grateful.
But sometimes when in a day you earned more than $700++ that's make me dizzy. I was looking how can it be and want to know how to make that $700 a day to be a daily earning.
It is not magic. I believe that everyone can achieved as long they do the minimum requirement. What is the requirement?
1) Get a BLOG - use http://www.blogger.com
2) Apply Adsense account from your blog. This is the easiest way.
3) Apply Affiliate programs.
Note: Make sure you update your blog.
Once you have that minimum requirement then you do this CRUCIAL things.
There is no shortcuts in this. What my mentor told me - "If I write a BLOG for 20 minute than I should promote it for 6 Hours".
Ok lah! Back to my story. I was busy today taking my father in law to Selayang Hospital for Check Up. I spent 2 hours waiting and about less than 5 minute with the doctor. I believe that is the standard for "Public Hospital" in Malaysia.
Anyway - "Everyday in every way I am getting better and better"
p/s: I am updating my http://www.silatonline.com and my http://www.surirumah.com
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Affiliate or Adsense ?
Affiliate or Adsense? Which is which for your blog? Here is our close circuit blog result:
Adsense Top Income:
1) http://i-income.blogspot.com - D. Avicenna
2) http://www.internetdummy.blogspot.com/ - Internet Dummy
3) http://www.adsenseandaffiliate.blogspot.com/ - Jasman
4) http://www.internetmarketingbookreview.blogspot.com/ - Mansoor
Affiliate Top Income:
1) Internet Dummy - on last 3 days manage to rake USD997 from Affiliate program sales
2) Other participant do not incorporated affiliate programs on their blogs.
From this early result, what can I say is promoting affiliate program in your blog can generate faster income compare to adsense. For me it is better to put both Adsense and Affiliate in one blog and promote your blog. By putting affiliate banner in your blog, it makes your blog look nicer and you also telling Google that your not eying just for Adsense.
p/s: Need to advertise go here. Please sign-up for a powerful features.
Adsense Top Income:
1) http://i-income.blogspot.com - D. Avicenna
2) http://www.internetdummy.blogspot.com/ - Internet Dummy
3) http://www.adsenseandaffiliate.blogspot.com/ - Jasman
4) http://www.internetmarketingbookreview.blogspot.com/ - Mansoor
Affiliate Top Income:
1) Internet Dummy - on last 3 days manage to rake USD997 from Affiliate program sales
2) Other participant do not incorporated affiliate programs on their blogs.

p/s: Need to advertise go here. Please sign-up for a powerful features.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Workshop Update And Personal Finance
We have full class attendee for our workshop - Bengkel Rezeki Halal Melalui Internet yesterday. We start a bit late due to our attendee could not find the Enterprise Building II in the TPM Academy. Thank you very much for all the attendee for giving full support and cooperation.
We also very touched that all attendee are very open and willing to learn about doing business in the internet. Doing and learning internet is NOT just a one day kind of things. It is a continuous process of learning and relearning day by day. The more you practice the more you know and gain more skill bit by bit. Daily practice make you more comfortable and at ease with the tools provided. Hope all the attendee will do what they promise to do because I will contact them about one week from now to see and advice their progress. I want that all attendee get the feeling of doing business in the net and get some income and improvise from there.
To all the workshop attendee please feel free to contact me anytime or call me for help. I try my best to help you success with your internet business. The next workshop will be on 29th July 2006. Registration will be open next week.
Ok back to my story. Today Sunday 2nd July 2006, I attended a very informative and good seminar on Personal Finance conducted by certified CFP Aziz Ibrahim. To tell you it is great talk and surely lean a lot about personal finance. Previously I do not know about ASB overdraft but now I know a little bit and know how it can help me to improve my finances. I always want to find a personal book keeper (CFP) for myself to manage my cashflow since I read Robert Kiyosaki book called Rich Dad Poor Dad. Only now after 4 years I met the good one.
In the seminar itself just now I asked a question to this Aziz - "En Aziz if you are not around anymore who can help? I asked this because he do not have any replacement yet. I think I like to be his student and continue his service. To me personal finance is a must nowadays. You need to have stable and solid personal finance.
Ok Cheers,
We also very touched that all attendee are very open and willing to learn about doing business in the internet. Doing and learning internet is NOT just a one day kind of things. It is a continuous process of learning and relearning day by day. The more you practice the more you know and gain more skill bit by bit. Daily practice make you more comfortable and at ease with the tools provided. Hope all the attendee will do what they promise to do because I will contact them about one week from now to see and advice their progress. I want that all attendee get the feeling of doing business in the net and get some income and improvise from there.
To all the workshop attendee please feel free to contact me anytime or call me for help. I try my best to help you success with your internet business. The next workshop will be on 29th July 2006. Registration will be open next week.
Ok back to my story. Today Sunday 2nd July 2006, I attended a very informative and good seminar on Personal Finance conducted by certified CFP Aziz Ibrahim. To tell you it is great talk and surely lean a lot about personal finance. Previously I do not know about ASB overdraft but now I know a little bit and know how it can help me to improve my finances. I always want to find a personal book keeper (CFP) for myself to manage my cashflow since I read Robert Kiyosaki book called Rich Dad Poor Dad. Only now after 4 years I met the good one.
In the seminar itself just now I asked a question to this Aziz - "En Aziz if you are not around anymore who can help? I asked this because he do not have any replacement yet. I think I like to be his student and continue his service. To me personal finance is a must nowadays. You need to have stable and solid personal finance.
Ok Cheers,
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