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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First Day Without A Job!

Today is the first day of my life with out a permanent JOB. I am out from a corporate world with 5 figure income into a full time home dad. It was very hectic for first day but the FEEL of no job is very wonderful. I fell very FREE and very RELAX despite I need to take care of my kids.

At the time being I do not have any specific plan on what I am going to do next. But deep in my heart I will do what I love to do and that is something that related with Internet income and work at home kind of things.

Everyday in every way I am getting better and better .. This I borrowed from Napoleon Hill to motivate my self.

For the time being I will be cleaning up my website and do some sort of restructuring and planning. There is a much different this time because I am a full time at home so need to find income to support my family...

Best of luck..

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