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Monday, December 04, 2006

It Is A Great Day After All No Matter How!

That is the SECRET that I learned. In our life we need to FOCUS on what we want and BLOCK all the negative thoughts. Once you do that you will see GREAT improvement in your life immediately. That is why our GREAT prophets Muhammad S.A.W teached us to be POSITIVE at all time. This is NOT a new thing but many of US do NOT do and practice what was taught.
Hope you do that today and your life will for sure CHANGE to the BETTER.

Ourself is the greatest give of all. Each of us is given the power to build our own better world but only few know how to use it. You need to find the way to use your given potential power to get what you want. Everything begin in our MIND. Make sure you feed your mind with POSITIVE thoughts everyday so that it will become POSITIVE results in your daily life. This is what they called "Law Of Attraction". The law that apply to everyone anywhere in the world without exceptions.

Good will attract Good.
Bad will attract Bad.
Rich will attract Rich.
Poor will attract Poor.
Cannot will attract Cannot.

Start to believe in your minds that you are a being of energy and you have all the positive energy to create goodness and kindness. You are the one with great abundance of wealth and health. You are creating your own better world now.

How to do it? Used this concept BE, DO and HAVE.

If you need more money get the in the state of mind that you already have a lot of money (This is the BE). When you in the BE state of having a lot of money you will DO what one with a lot of money DO and by know means you will HAVE your a lot of money.

All event in your life is based on the thougts you create in your mind. By being the one that have everything you want will attract all the things you want.

Most of us including me is focusing on the things that we do not want and that is why all the things that we dont want become parts of ourlife. And when that happened we complaint. What ashamed? We create it ourself and we blamed God.

Ok that is about my Monday morning feeling. I need to let it out. I am now enjoying a quality time with my self and my family. Ok back to business.

About IBOP, since it was published in Majalah PC on December 2006 issue, there so many enquiries from the public about what is IBOP. IBOP is a service that we rendered to the individual to create, manage and run an internet business to the IBOP client. Public need to understand that build an Internet Business is NOT overnight it takes time, it needs planning, and it needs proper management so that the business can grow. Once the business grows only than you can reap the profit.

I pick up some new things about having a video in my blog. As a start with this one below. Please check it out. This is another great way to earn income via Video in your blogs. More videos here.

Any other updates is Bengkel Rezeki Halal Melalui Internet ke 6 will be held on January 27 2007 at TPM. More details here at .

Thank You very much for your support.

Best Regards,

ps: I will be away from 9/12/2006 till 27/12 2006. Only be accessible via online but not by PHONE. If you have any urgency please send me email ok.

ps**: Education is very important process an anyone needs to go through it. Please visit Education In Life for more information.

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