New Breed Of Internet Opportunity After The Gloom Of Adsense
It is quite a while, I have not updated my blog. So many things happening everyday. Day in and day out, it is almost the end of the year. The opportunity in the internet also keep changing rapidly. There are always a new program introduced in a day or two. It is hard to catch up when you have not planned your internet journey. The opportunity will never wait for you, it is you that need to take action on the opportunity that passes you.
Few people asked me about Adsense and what is the status - Is it DEAD?. Frankly I am not an Adsense Guru or any near to it. I am just an ordinary adsense publisher like the rest of the folks. But what I know my Adsense income really drop. To me the drop of adsense income can be due to many factors and reasons. One of it is Smart Pricing and many of it is NOT having a very GOOD quality and welcoming website.
I also take up the new so called program called "CPA" - cost per action program. This program pays you when the visitor of your website take action after they click the the CPA Ads. For example when a visitor click your CPA ads and the filled up the optin list or FREE trial form you will be paid for the action. The payment for each CPA is quite high, it start from USD1.50 up to USD200 so it is hardly you get a USD0.01 like in adsense.
If you like to join this CPA program you can join me here. FREE to join.
Modern Click - - It can be your additional income generator beside Adsense. The Ads in Modern Click is much more attractive and the pay is surely bigger than adsense.
Another things that I would like to shares is Squidoo . This is a brand new things that will be a HIT in couple of months. Squidoo is just like MySpace but its more to professional. That mean the age range who use Squidoo is the baby boomer - the one that have the capability to BUY.
Be one of the early that promote product or services via Squidoo. Join the program for FREE here - and get USD5 when you promote you friends to join the program.
Why I say Squidoo is COOL and can be the next income generator? Squidoo use a term called "Lense". Each squidoo member will be a Lensemaker and can create their ow lense. This lense is a page of lense that will be shared to others. In this lense it contains many things and it is up to the lensemaker to design it for its maximum profit. There will be adsense revenue from it, affiliate revenues, traffic revenues, ranking revenues and many more. Check out my lense here - . Make sure you create yours NOW here and be one of the early lensemaker and REAP the profit. Dont wait until everyone join the band wagon. Just Do It now.
Ok back to my life. Yup my wife is away, she is in Sweden for a week and the best part my daughter get a chicken pox. What a sleepless night for me. Luckily my other 2 boys is NOT infected. It is a challange for me and I cannot do my daily internet routine as usual. But anyway it is a GREAT blessing, this situation lead me to do internel thinking and bring me to a greater understanding in life and a way on how to maneuver it.
Good Days,
p/s: Visit my ready made adsense site called - and My Squidoo page . Please vote for me so that I will rank higher.
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