Google Adsense - a new way of earning income online. Most of us know what is Adsense and what adsense can do for us. With this fact in place still many of us have a question about Adsense. In this ebook "Adsense Answers REVEALED" - Adsense Guru - Joel Comm answer all sort of question people like me and you. This ebook price tag is USD197.
This 28 pages ebook is filled with straight to the point answer from Joel that you can applied it immediately
Part 1: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) page4
Part 2: Traffic page 13
Part 3: Website page 6
Part 4: General AdSense page 20
Part 5: Other Income Streams page 23
Part 6: Newbies page 24
Part 7: About Joel page 26
If you are new or season in adsense, this ebook will still help you clarify your doubt and question on adsense. Here is some question from the ebook.
QUESTION: (From Scott - 4 other people also asked this question)
Where do you actually go to submit a website to the search engines, assuming
the site has been fully optimized? I heard that you should NOT go to the
submission page of the particular search engine or directory (Google and Yahoo
respectively) to submit your site...that there was another way to do it so that it
would be indexed much faster than doing a standard submission. How much of
this is true and how much is hogwash, and what is the BEST way to submit your
site to the relevant search engines?
When it comes the secret mojo of Google and Yahoo and the other search
engines, nobody knows for sure exactly what impact it has when you submit via
their site. But, I guarantee they are getting absolutely overwhelmed with
submissions on their end. I dont know for sure that has any impact. My favorite
way to get a site indexed is to have it blogged about on a site that is already
getting traffic. I love blogs, I love the instant publishing ability that blogs have. I
love the way the RSS feeds can be dispersed throughout the internet and
throughout the social bookmarking sites. My blog already gets the spiders
coming to it. If I will blog about a new site, it will get indexed much ......
Yup you need to get this ebook to continue reading. Ok here is the deal if you write or post a comment to this post and put your email in the comment I will give you the ebook for FREE! Yup FREE no charges at ALL.
p/s: This is a limited time offer for the first 100 readers who put their comment. After this I will sell this for a price.
I have no choice, but to put comment.
Joel Comm is well known for his adsense.
Thanks Hasrul for putting your comment I have sent you your download link for Joel Comm ebook.
thanks mr zahir.. good luck.
Assalamualaikum mr Zahir,
im one of your blog fans.keep up the gud work.....nice offer too. can i have have one for free?
here's my e-mail anyway.... nazmieski@gmail.com
Salam Bro Ariff,
I have sent the download link for the Joel Comm ebook - Adsense Common Question Answered.
Salam Bro Nazmie,
Saya dah hantarkan download link kepada email saudara.
Salam Bro Arahman saya dan hantarkan download linknya.
Adsense Blog System
Salam Bro AFM,
I will send yours through your Official email coz I forgot your yahoo email.
Assalamualaikum En.Zahir,
Is the offer still on? Hope I'm not too late to get Joel Comm's ebook. I've gained a lot of knowledge from your writings. Thanks a lot.
Salam Emanina & Nora,
Sorry dah lama tak tengok blog. I dah hantarkan download link untuk buku Joel Comm tu.
Ade offer lagi tak?
Kalau masih ade, boleh send dekat emel saya...
Lupa nk letak emel...
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