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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Action Is The Key To Success

Taking action is the key to your happiness and success. To eat you need to act. To move you need to act. To love you need to act. To be successful you need to act.

We might know and learn a lot of things about starting your own Internet business but without any action on what you know it will NOT bring you anywhere to success.

It is very important that you take action on what you know than not doing anything even if the knowledge is tiny. You will more satisfied when you take action.

As for me I am now applying the social book marking technique that I just learned last week. Yup I started late, even though I know about this last year. Anyway I took action this time.

The 3 technique is using:
1) MySpace -
2) MyBlogLog -
3) Business Network -

I am still learning and enjoy it. I do get some great result from this effort and I recommends you to test this and benefit.

As for today I would like to share a great article about taking action from one of my mentors in doing Online Business.

Hi Mohd,

As much as I'd like to say that there is no principle out of these that is greater than the rest, to me, without action, nothing can be created.

It is the driving force behind all things, to eat you need to act,to breath you need to act, to love you need to act, to be successful you need to act.

There is a general myth going around, not only on the Internet, but also in the circles of people who are looking to be successful, and that is the myth of the lazy successful person.Why do I say myth? Because I have never seen a successful person who has got there by being lazy.

Now I'm not talking about the person who plays smart by building systems and getting other people to do the work for them, this person is smart, not lazy.

The honest truth is, the people you see sitting on the beach sipping margaritas worked their ass off for a period of time to get there.

If you think working hard is working for the man 9-5 and having weekends off, think again, working hard is working 9-5 in your job,then doing 8 hours a day on top of that plus the weekends to build your business until such time as you can ditch the job.

Let me ask you another question, would you rather work 9-5 for 45years in an environment of little job security, high layoffs, and the potential for your company you work for to go bust, and attempt to retire at 65 (or later since subsidies won't be around forever)in a lifestyle that you have to reduce and not live to fulfill your dreams (does that paint a strong enough picture?). Or would you rather work 7-12 for 5-15 years and have the CHOICE to retire if you so choose to.

THIS is what action and hard work bring to the table.

But action isn't enough by itself, and this is where the other principles come into play, but if all you did was ACT, you'd have a greater chance to succeed at whatever it was that you did than if you did nothing else.

Hopefully this doesn't scare you, or put you off what you are doing, that isn't the point. The point is that when you see someone telling you about an "Easy path to untold riches with just5 minutes a day", don't walk the other way, RUN the other way.

To replace your current income (almost regardless what that income is outside of being CEO for Disney), if you follow this method, its should take you no more than 2-5 years. You can do it far sooner depending on what your current lifestyle is, Marc and myself did it in just 3 months, but I was working full time on the business (18hours a day for 3 months) and Marc was doing what we said above i.e. 9-5 job and an additional 8 (it was actually more like 10) hours outside of that plus around 36 hours on the weekend.

This gave us a total of 28 work hours in a day (the majority of these focused hours, more on this in Principle #3), 6-7 days a week, which is the equivalent of 4 40 hour work weeks each week, so essentially what this means, is if we had to start all over again,doing it by ourselves, 8 hours extra a day 5 days a week, it would have taken us 12 months.

I hope you understand how powerful this principle is, it really is every one's dream to have the choice to sit on the beach and sip margaritas (or insert other exotic drink), the key word there is choice, you may not choose to do that, you may choose to never retire, and look for more challenges. Success through action is much like escaping gravity, just as a Space Ship expels the majority of fuel escaping the earths atmosphere, so too does it take most of the effort to setup your business, and then once it's setup, it takes only small nudges to keep it moving at the same pace.

As the saying goes, "Act, or ye shall be acted upon!"

The next principle is on the Principle of knowing your end

Wealth and Abundance,
Daniel Turner & Marc Lindsay

Thank your very much for your time and I hope you take action. Sometime if you understand is much easier that you think of.

Best Regards,

p/s: I am building a new online business blog here - Best Of Knowledge.

1 comment:

Emmie said...

Hi! Thanks for coming by my page on myBlogLog. Come back anytime!

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