Here is some update about IBOP by Rahsia Online. Our website traffic just increased day by day since our first launched of Rahsia Online on 1st November 2006. Below is some screen shoot about the statistics.
For your information IBOP by Rahsia Online is also featured in the MajalahPC by Karangkraf December 2006 Edition under the topic Dunia IT. (In Malay). Get one at your nearby book shop or daily store.
Meaning that you do NOT have to do anything at all. You just become he BOSS you let the expert do the work for you and you just EARN your money.
Is there any PRE-Requisite? For NOW Yes because there are too many request. The requirement is you need to have a Google Adsense account and a Paypal Account. I know somewhere in the Rahsia Online website it mentioned that we can create the accounts for you but for now we can not do it for you anymore.
To apply you Google Adsense account is easy. Create a blog in English at and post daily for 7 days (1 post a day) and on the 7th day apply your adsense account via the the blogger dashboard. For Paypal account visit and sign up. It is EASY. More information you get and learned here at .
Once you have both of them than only you can be accepted for IBOP. IBOP is a professional business services. It is NOT a get rich quick program or investment program. It is a service that we offer to the customer to help them run and manage their website. All profit from the IBOP internet business will belongs to the IBOP owner.
Just to remind you. At this time of writing only 27 IBOP ownerships left for GRAB at the price USD199 or RM750. By January 1st 2007, IBOP will be USD399 or RM1500. I hope that if you qualified and want to get in with the best DEAL. Get it NOW while it still last. Once it reached 50, I will closed doors until the year 2007.
Ok that is about IBOP.