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Monday, January 29, 2007

Staying Positive To Get What You Want!

First of all you need to be positive physically and mentally. You need to get rid all of your negativity to get you where you want to be. To be frank to be always positive in your mind is not that easy. It always received constant attact from the negative mindset. If you are not strong enough to fight the negativity attack, you will surrender yourself eventually and you are back to square one.

Our mind is the greatest gift from GOD and we have to make sure it always be POSITIVE and stay POSITIVE at all time. That is the task the we need to practice all time. Some people ask "How to stay positive when the bank start calling asking for your credit card payment, your loan payment, your car payment and many more?". The answer is quite hard but with constant practice we can be positive. Start in your mind that BANK is your friend and the call is a friend call to remind you. You need to manage your emotion and do not let it be in your mind that the bank is the bad guy.

I would like to share with your some positive mind set and the power of the mind. Last week when I was in Tesco Shah Alam, I received a call from my son saying that my ASTRO Decoder was hit by lightning. Wow this is quite shocking, what this mean is there will be no TV for my children to watch Disney Channel and so on. But somehow in my mind I want to manifest and believed in my self that the ASTRO Decoder is OK. So I maintained the thought that the ASTRO decoder is OK and it can healed by itself. When I reached home, I quickly want to check the ASTRO Decoder and hoping a miracle that the box is ok. But the reality is not OK. The decoder just died. So now my mind is bombarded with all the negativity such as positive thinking is not working, the idea of manifesting is useless but I maintained my positive thought.

My wife also complaining how boring it is when you do not have TV. So that night I take my family out for dinner and ensure that next day we get someone to fix it. Deep in my heart this could not be happening, I believed that the power of manifestation is REAL and God has given us this right from the beginning to cultivate what is in our mind and manifest in the real world.
To my surprise the burn ASTRO Decode came back to live when we are back from our dinner that night. I thank GOD for all the blessing and I do not have to spend RM199 for the decoder.

The moral of the story you have the power to manifest what you want and stay focus on what youwant until you get it. Remove and avoid all other negativity that will hider you from your success.

Ok, today I would like to share on how you can have your web or blog visitor stay longer in your website or blog site. To do this we can use the Video Wall from With Blinkx you can create your own video wall in your blog or website. The video wall is based on your keyword. For example if you have a blog about fish so you can search all video about fish and get the embeded html link and put the code inside your blog. You see the sample in this post. Try it in your blog.

I also like to thank you to all the Usdota Workshop participant and also Usdota graduate that are very supportive and help the workshop to run smoothly. Thank you again.

I also like to thank Epyzul the author of EasyBloggerBeta Ebook that share his secret in the Usdota workshop on how he generated USD200 monthly in less than a month from scratch using free only. This is a really insight form Epyzul himself and really help a lot for the newbie. During the workshop Epyzul is so generous giving a great discount for his ebook for the price of RM30 instead the normal price RM49. More information can visit his website

As for IBOP Client, I and my team is working to install Video Wall at all IBOP website and start the Phase 3 process and target to finished before February.

Thank you very much for all your support.

Best Regards,

p/s: IBOP Web Marketing


ArahMan7 said...

Positive thinking played a very important part in my case. Without it, I would be thinking the world is full of sarcastic scums!

Keep on blogging, Bro...

Zahir said...


Thanks Bro Noor Azman you are very supportive.


p/s: You too keep blogging

Ahmad Shawal said...

Stay positive and passion, ALLAH will stay with us.

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